27 Oct

Historically, the field of women's health has been focused on reproductive health. Unfortunately, this restricted focus has resulted in what is described as the "bikini approach" to medicine, which misses many significant concerns affecting women globally. Improving mother and newborn mortality rates, for example, was one of the critical public health concerns of the twentieth century.

Although the focus of women's health has traditionally been on reproductive health, it is essential to remember that infectious and noncommunicable diseases account for the vast majority of infections in women. Therefore, we did a quantitative analysis of the primary health content of six women's health publications and five general medical journals to establish the proportional share of these two areas. The data were then matched to the primary causes of disease in women. According to the findings, there is still a need to widen the scope of women's health journalism.

One significant tendency we noticed in women's health journal papers was that more than half of the writers were SSA women. This tendency is evident in the increasing number of journal articles published. Furthermore, these papers' authors come from various backgrounds and ethnic groupings. The GMJ, on the other hand, was dominated by Western authors, slowing the rise of women's health material. More study is required to determine the hurdles to publishing women's health-related studies.

Obstetrics and gynecology are the two primary fields of women's health journal material. The proportion of reproductive health difficulties in the WHJ was 48.6%, while slightly over 30% in the GMJ. These statistics emphasize the significance of proper research reporting and its impact on women's health. Check out the guidelines if you want to publish your research in a women's health publication!

Open-access, peer-reviewed journals on women's health are available. These publications publish unique and authentic articles based on clinical research. Their mission is to give complete health information to women. Their goal is to provide women with the most accurate information regarding reproductive health. Furthermore, the periodicals have an emphasis on global issues.

In the weeks following childbirth, postpartum care is critical. During this time, the new mother's body must adjust to the numerous changes. She will also need to learn how to care for her newborn. As a result, she may experience sleep deprivation, exhaustion, pain, and stress. She may also have to deal with pre-existing medical concerns.

Policies should be implemented to ensure that women receive proper postpartum care. Paid parental leave is another critical step toward bettering women's health. This legislation will benefit the mother and her kid, improve public health and reduce inequities. This policy has been adopted by the American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists.

Postpartum care should be ongoing and tailored to the woman's unique needs. During the prenatal and postpartum periods, the doctor and the woman must discuss the lady's reproductive life plans. She should consider her goals and desired timing of future pregnancies, among other considerations. She should also talk about her contraception alternatives. After the pregnancy, she should meet with her maternal care provider to discuss the next steps.

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